Vintage "Ex Libris" Ship bookplates. I think they are awesome! $12 from twoartdirectors
The other items below are vintage buttons, ephemera(I didn't know that that meant until last year), and photographs. I also really like the old booklet with the hot air balloons on it.
Hello!? Why am I not following your adorable beautiful blog?!?! I don't know how you slipped by me, but I'm not letting it happen again. I clicked over to your blog from a comment on mine and remembered how much I LOVED your space over here and how I meant to follow but must have forgot! Never again! I'm such a big your work! Creative Diva you are;)
sweet stuff! and, I love your new profile pic!
Hello!? Why am I not following your adorable beautiful blog?!?! I don't know how you slipped by me, but I'm not letting it happen again. I clicked over to your blog from a comment on mine and remembered how much I LOVED your space over here and how I meant to follow but must have forgot! Never again! I'm such a big your work! Creative Diva you are;)
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