I thought I would write a little about me - who I am and how I got here so far! Don't worry, it won't be too long winded. (I hope!)I was thinking recently about the various connections we make and how it would be cool to know a little more about everyone.
So in case anyone would like to know a little more about me, here goes! You might learn things you would not have guessed!
I have one sister who is about two years younger than me. It's just me and her! We have been close our whole lives and still are even though she also lives in Alabama now, where my mom and dad moved.
My mom has a blog too and she also sells on Etsy.I graduated high school in '98 when I was 17 years old. Went to college, and held some part time jobs during college. Worked a year at World Relief, and the longest job was just over 2 years at a Chrysler car dealership in our area doing cashiering, customer service, and warranty paperwork. I actually liked that job a lot because I felt welcomed and at home after awhile. During my last year of college I didn't work due to my changed classes schedule and trying to get all my classes done. Then I graduated college in August of 2003 with a BA in Sociology from USF.
On Sept 18th, 2004 my husband Sujeet and I got married. He is from India and we actually met online back in 2001! The funny thing is neither of us was looking online for anyone. It started as a random meeting(planned by God in my opinion!) on aol IM. We had talks about religion and other things, actually debated each other about subjects, and became friends. It's funny how it can turn into love over time, because it did! In October 2003, my father and I went to India and while there I got engaged. I came back home and after going through a trying time of separation and various paperwork and other things that I won't bore you with, my then fiance moved here so we could get married that September in 04. (I won't even tell you about that pesky hurricane season!!)
I had a hard time finding a good job with my sociology degree. I had a couple jobs after college, only one of which actually required a degree, any degree. That was at a private school(Montessori) working mostly with pre-schoolers. I only stayed there about one year and then I became a stay at home wife before becoming a stay at home mom. I wanted to be that, even though I also wanted to go to college. I like learning a lot! I'm part nerd. But not full nerd, at least not in my own mind. :D
My husband and I have been married almost 5 years now! Our one child, our son Kavi, is a year and half old. My husband works in the IT field. I like creating and being crafty, but also have loved singing and dancing since I can remember. I am not a great singer, but I like doing it and also play guitar(also not fantastic at that!). I used to play often at my church and lead songs. We are Christians and that affects my daily life and what I do or don't do. We have the Indian culture mixed into our lives because of my husband. It's very neat. We live in Florida near the west coast, north of the Tampa Bay area. The Gulf of Mexico is not very far from where I live. Yet I rarely go see it anymore. Shameful!
If you want to know more about any other aspects of my life, I have written many entries at my other blog
EastMeetsWest, which I started in 2005. I don't write in it as often because I am more focused on this one right now. But there are over 300 entries over there.
Then and now!
Taj Mahal 2003,
wedding 2004

Me and Kavi 2009, Daddy and Kavi 2009