A recap of what we were up to this week.
Monday-we stayed home to make sure my son recovered fully from being sick last weekend. Not much happened that day except that I ate pad thai which is delicious!
Tuesday-Last minute plan to meet up with my friend again at Dunkin Donuts that morning. We are trying to make it a regular thing. The kids are happy with their special treats and we get to chit chat for as long as we want to. After that, me and K went to Target to get some groceries and other items. We have two Targets in my town(wee!) and neither are Super Targets. But one is almost a Super Target, minus the full produce and bakery depts. But there is a frozen section, limited produce and dairy, and dry goods aisles. So me and K were out that day from 10:30am til 3:30pm. We usually aren't out that long at one time. It was a nice change.
Wednesday-We finally got to meet my cousin's cute baby boy!! I cooked some food to bring, a mix and match of things-appetizer sized spanakopita, couscous with (almost) Moroccan flavored chicken, salad with homemade dressing(thanks mom),and a side of Indian style cauliflower. We all like unique foods so my cousin was happy with the food we brought. We went after my husband got home from work and ate dinner down there.

Oh! Another BIG thing for me on Wednesday night after coming home. I had been tempted to cut some bangs this week. I don't know why I waited so long, I really like them! I hesitated because my hair can get frizzy plus the weather is getting hot again=sweaty forehead while outside=can ruin bangs! But I went for it anyway. :D

(Left side taken when hair was freshly styled, right side after being out all day,
looks different but still ok!)
Thursday-Me and K usually go to our family friend's house on Thursdays to hang out for a couple hours. I have posted pictures of him waving at the school buses there. This time another friend and her mother came and it was really nice!
Friday-Not much going on yet today except for much needed coffee! I do really need to clean up around the house.

I was blessed to have a pretty active week! Some weeks are boring when we don't get to see a lot of people. This week was filled with lots of nice socializing!
Have a good weekend!