I'm not sure if anyone else watched this summer's HGTV Design Star. The finale was last night! The woman above is Emily Henderson, the winner! I think she is a cute gal. I have liked a lot of her clothing choices while on the show. She wore a lot of blue. There was a blouse she was wearing on yesterday's episode that I love but I couldn't find pictures of her wearing it online. She has a blog:
The brass petal.

Below are some of her designs. You can also
click here to see more of her design portfolio.

And I wanted to say hi to new followers of the blog! I appreciate it! I hope you enjoy and stick around!
I love this post Stina! We were all glad she won and we loved her style and I especially love the room with the blue and white fabric wall and the green couch! It made me want to do that!
I love her! I'm so glad she won! I also love Arti that won the next food network star! So glad two cuties that I like won! -Rachel R
yeaaaah!!! i loved her clothes too!!! and the shoes she was wearing at the finale, the brown oxford heels, i almost bought at tj maxx. Well, they were a little less high but the same idea, but i didnt think id have the right wardrobe to wear them with. Plus they were more than i was willing to pay :) -Jenny f
She was my favorite from the start, glad she won =) I agree she is adorable!
I watch it every year. I started watching this year but then there was the whole town switching to digital and the Tivo would not work- so I ended up missing most of it! I plan to go back in the Fall and watch it online.
so wanted her to win and loved her outfits too! i really related to her wardrobe and design aesthetic - which was something new for me on design shows. thanks for sharing her blog - off to check it out : )
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