Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Action packed weekend and packed on LBS!!!

We had such a busy weekend that I am still feeling tired out. My family arrived Thursday night. On Friday night we went to a memorial service for our dear friend who passed away. It was actually a wonderful service and we saw hundreds of old faces, like a reunion.

Saturday was spent with the family and preparing a little for my son's birthday party the next day. Sunday was spent partying for Kavi, who is turning 2 on February 1st! We had a bunch of people over during the day. The weather was really nice for the kids to play outside in the back yard. It was very fun but also tiring. My parents left Monday and I spent the day not doing much of anything but sitting around.

On another topic, I'd like to start losing weight again. I don't like to get too detailed about this stuff on here since it's public so I will just share general info. Others have been writing about it as well, which only adds to my inspiration.

Where I am right now weightwise is better than I was before I had a baby and better than when I got married. I should feel good about that and I do, but, I am stuck again!!

Ok let's see if you can follow this ramble: I got married, gained a little weight(was already overweight), thought about having a baby, decided to lose some weight. Lost only about 13 lbs, got pregnant. :) After my son arrived I knew I was going to get back on the weight loss train and I did- losing the extra pregnancy weight plus another 20lbs down. So that was great! It took about a year but so what. Then I stalled and stalled since last May 09 and I am now up about 10 Lbs from the holidays. ARGHHH. So now I need to get rid of those extra 10 Lbs, and then get back on the rest of the journey.

The way I lost weight that worked for me - stationary bike (in my house) 5 times a week and loosely counting calories. And if I can do that, I know I can lose more weight. It's just a matter of doing it.
This is a funny vintage mug my sister has, it was purchased from Etsy!


considerthelillies said...

I must get on the weight loss train with you!! Need to get back to the 5 time a week exercise bike too and make healthier food choices!!!

Devon said...

Good Luck!! My hardest commitment with weight loss is the exercise part. I LOATHE it!!! (ok, sweets are hard to give up too!)

I actually lost a few lbs since the holidays... and was feeling pretty good--even bought a couple of pairs of pants (one was a size smaller than normal--the other was TWO sizes smaller than normal!!)... but then I saw a picture of myself (actually, it was a pic of my nephew with my backside in the background)... and I was like "WHAT!? THATS ME!?"... It was not a pretty picture, in my opinion. Kind of dispelled my happiness of the weight I had lost and is pushing me to lose some more!

I am with ya on the the train!

Angela said...

The only thing that works for me is Weight Watchers (which is really just a "dumbed down" way of counting calories) I just started back on Saturday...Good luck. I know it is tough. The hardest part is getting started though.

Jodie / Lova Revolutionary said...

Good luck to you! Losing weight is so difficult and takes a lot of discipline! Strict diets almost never work for me but I've always had to be really conscious cause it seems whatever I eat just sticks to me like glue!

My best tips are - try to eat well balanced meals, breakfast, light lunch, and dinner. No snacking after dinner or I try not to snack much at all between meals. And the biggest thing for me is portion control and recognizing when I'm full. I try to get in the habit of paying attention when I'm eating..when I first begin to feel my stomach get full it's time to stop eating even if there's more on my plate, even if its super delicious. :D

Good luck, you'll get there eventually, just don't give up!

I've always heard great things about weight watchers - my brother is back on right now and has already lost 9lbs! woohoo!

As far as exercise & eating right - I've known a lot of people have uber success with a program called crossfit.