Friday, January 29, 2010
Flashback Friday: 2 years ago, big and pregnant!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Action packed weekend and packed on LBS!!!
Saturday was spent with the family and preparing a little for my son's birthday party the next day. Sunday was spent partying for Kavi, who is turning 2 on February 1st! We had a bunch of people over during the day. The weather was really nice for the kids to play outside in the back yard. It was very fun but also tiring. My parents left Monday and I spent the day not doing much of anything but sitting around.
On another topic, I'd like to start losing weight again. I don't like to get too detailed about this stuff on here since it's public so I will just share general info. Others have been writing about it as well, which only adds to my inspiration.
Where I am right now weightwise is better than I was before I had a baby and better than when I got married. I should feel good about that and I do, but, I am stuck again!!
Ok let's see if you can follow this ramble: I got married, gained a little weight(was already overweight), thought about having a baby, decided to lose some weight. Lost only about 13 lbs, got pregnant. :) After my son arrived I knew I was going to get back on the weight loss train and I did- losing the extra pregnancy weight plus another 20lbs down. So that was great! It took about a year but so what. Then I stalled and stalled since last May 09 and I am now up about 10 Lbs from the holidays. ARGHHH. So now I need to get rid of those extra 10 Lbs, and then get back on the rest of the journey.
The way I lost weight that worked for me - stationary bike (in my house) 5 times a week and loosely counting calories. And if I can do that, I know I can lose more weight. It's just a matter of doing it.
This is a funny vintage mug my sister has, it was purchased from Etsy!

Friday, January 22, 2010
Flashback Friday

This Sunday we are celebrating his 2nd birthday! Wow has life changed. I have learned so much about being a mother since this picture. So I just wanted to share!! :) Motherhood not an easy task at all and I sometimes wonder if I am a wimp at motherhood because I will feel tired and worn down sometimes. But I think most moms must feel that! :) I know I will become a more experienced mom with passing of time.
Visit ChristopherandTia's blog if you would like to participate in Flashback Friday! Or just go to check out others' flashbacks.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Saying goodbye to a dear person
Our dear family friend Mary passed away Tuesday night at around 8:30pm. She had a battle with cancer for a few years and she is in a better place now, cancer free. I am going to miss her and I am more sad for her husband and two adult daughters. My family is driving down here to Florida today so that we can all go to a memorial service tomorrow night.
Not trying to be a downer, but wanted to post this in memory of dear Mary who was like an aunt to me. There is much admiration for her.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Indian snacks and simple recipe
My goal: to give you ideas for some simple snacks that you can find at an Indian/South Asian grocery store. Go to their frozen foods section. We don't have an Indian store in our town :(. We went to one in Tampa, about an hour away.
Something we loved and wish we had bought more of was called Surti Khaman (chick-pea cakes).
This is the box:
Also check out frozen bags of mini samosas. They say to fry them, but we put some in the toaster oven and they were still good. We also bought frozen "Dal puri", flat bread that puffs up when fried(we don't drench them in oil, we fry one side at a time). Inside is a smear of spiced dal(softened lentils).

If you want to buy some spices for Indian cooking and feel lost in the sea of spice boxes in the store, here are some suggestions.
One of my husband's favorite brands is called MDH. This is what it looks like.
Once you can actually find these boxes, grab any that look interesting to you! Some have slight different tastes while others have very different flavors. You could always google them afterward.
If you can't find MDH brand, try Shan brand.
The chicken masalas don't have chicken in them. It's just used for making that kind of chicken usually.
These above spices, tandoori and butter chicken masala, are used often in my house in all different meals. You don't need to follow the directions on the back of the box. Use these per your taste. Start with a little and add more after tasting- it can get spicy.
Buy yourself some cumin seeds, as they are the base for many dishes and so delicious. You can get those at many grocery stores, often in the Mexican food section or spices section.
If you are not sure what to try making with these boxed spices first, experiment making "Indian home fries", which is what I have nicknamed it.
- I soften a couple large (or 4 small)potatoes in the microwave(saves sooo much time) to a firm but softened feel, then chop them up into chunks.(you know, home fry style)
- Slice up 1/2 an onion, I use red onions.We like to thinly slice them.
- Heat a couple tablespoons oil on a frying pan, on medium heat, and wait until it's hot. Add about a teaspoon of cumin seeds and let them sizzle(if they didn't sizzle, wait until the heat gets a little hotter before adding the onions or turn up heat a little).
- After maybe 30 seconds of sizzling cumin seeds, add the onion, they should sizzle. Stir occasionally.
- Once onions start softening you can add some masala and stir. It's already going to smell soooo good. Try adding a pinch at first.
- Add the potatoes, stirring occasionally.
- At some point you are going to want to add salt to taste. I taste things as I go along and add more spice if needed as well. Sprinkle salt, stir, taste, etc. You probably already know that!
Some picture examples:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Birthday Planning, and Sadness
My family is coming down at the end of the week because of this issue. Our friends let us know that there will probably be a service at the end of the week if she goes home to Heaven soon(unless a miracle happens and she survives longer, then my family would be here to visit her). My heart is very sad for our friends that are in this situation.
After Ikea last Saturday, we stopped at an Indian grocery store that we hadn't been to in a long time. We got a lot of yummy things!! We would like to have Indian snacks at Kavi's birthday party. But that store is in Tampa so it depends on whether we can get down there before Sunday. I wish we had a closer store that had these items. If anyone lives near an Indian grocery store and likes Indian food but isn't sure what to buy, you can ask me!! I can give you some good ideas. :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Finally got my Ikea fix
On Saturday we went and I got my fix! I got fabrics I wanted. I bought two of the same fabrics I had bought in the past and sold as items in my shop The Cozy Nest, mostly as pillow covers like these below:

I did get some clearance fabric that was .99/yard. It is not a wide fabric, but I can use it for pillow covers and something else I'm sure.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New items
I have listed a couple of these so far and will be listing the rest during the weekend.

I also wanted to share a picture of some of my Christmas gifts. A cute gnome, awesome locket from my hubby(from Etsy), coolest calendar I've seen(from Anthropologie, given by a friend) which is houses with months on the side of them, and a vintage owl votive holder(from Etsy).
This is an old box I had my pins, some thread, and other junk in:
Here is my new adorable storage. I finally moved things to it a few days ago.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Flashback Friday!

I'm in the middle, my sister is the littlest one, our cousin is the blonde one. We three were close our whole lives. The only thing keeping us apart now is distance. My sister living in Alabama, and my cousin lives about 30 minutes away(not too far, but with busy schedules it's hard to meet up often).
We sang together, put on "shows" for our family, danced together, and had a lot of fun. I am the oldest of us three. I am about 6 months older than our cousin, and I am 21 months older than my sister. So we were close enough in age to always have a lot in common even while growing up. I have a few other cousins but we were not close to any others like we were with our cousin above. I am glad I had them in my life growing up.
For more Flashback Fridays reading visit Christopher and Tia's blog - or join in and write one too!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Check up: All ok
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Needing Motivation
I bought some simple fabrics for new pillow ideas, but haven't made them yet. I felt so creative and was really into making things before Christmas, but those were gifts. Then going away for Christmas, coming home and Kavi getting sick then me getting sick has thrown me off.
I don't have much time during the day to create. If I sell in either of my Etsy shops, I use the morning to pack the orders before the mailman comes. I have more time to make things at night, especially after Kavi is asleep. But then I end up using that extra time to do nothing and just sit around and watch TV. haha. But when I do take the time to brainstorm and make something new, I feel happier afterward.
Oh- here are pictures of items I made for Christmas presents!

Friday, January 8, 2010
Flashback Friday!
I wasn't sure what photo to use because I still don't have a lot of old photos on my computer. So I picked one that is of just me, before being a mother.

I don't know why this picture recently struck me, I was thinking - wow, that was before Kavi, there was actually a time before Kavi? I sometimes think of things as "BK" or "AK", before Kavi/after Kavi. :P
I also like the way my hair looks in the picture, which is funny because I remember that day and I thought I wasn't thrilled with how it was looking. I also look like I am thinking...even though I was just leaning forward so I would be in the shot with the waterfall. That trip was very fun. My family also went and so did a couple friends. It was a visit to the town where my parents now live. It was pretty fall time there.
It's amazing how life changes. We knew we wanted to have a baby sometime soon after this picture. We hadn't started trying just yet, but almost. Life was different in a lot of ways. So fast forward to May 2007, about 6 months later, and I was pregnant after trying for about 5 months.
For more flashback Friday posts by various cool people visit ChristopherandTia.blogspot.com!
A new favorite in my house
I did a trade on Etsy soon before Christmas, but got this in time before leaving for our trip we went on. I actually did a trade for ME! I had most of the things I needed for gift giving and I fell in love with this print from the shop nanlawson.etsy.com. We did a very nice trade. So I stuck it into one of my empty frames that I had painted months back and hung up(empty). I just love the vintage ornate frame with the aged sea themed print inside! I still have a love for old style ships.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
So now it was time to make another polyvore set - My idea of a nice layering outfit. Maybe for work(casual setting) or an outing? Made to add layers or take off, depending on if you are in a nice warm building or out in the cold! Each layer looking fun. The only issue is the shoes, no open toes in frosty weather!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
ooh, aah
So here I give you "sets" of items I had marked as favorites, put together by RadarLove. I can just say ooh, aah. I want so many of the items. (Not really the heels though, my ankles don't do well with them!)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Holidays over, boo
I really dislike getting sick right after a trip. It throws everything totally out of whack. Your things stays in their tote bags longer, laundry doesn't get done, etc. I had plans for last week. But plans have to change when your child gets sick and then you get sick! I have a lot of fun time added up in the "fun time bank" that I need to spend, because I didn't get to spend much last week. As I said already in another entry, thank God my mom was here though!
I didn't make it to Ikea over the weekend! :( I felt the worst on Saturday, the day we were going to go. Bummer!! But I am determined to get there soon, like within the next two weeks.
Friday, January 1, 2010
My mom is still visiting and yesterday evening we got a surprise knock at the door - it was my dad! He had driven down from Alabama without telling us. My mom was supposed to ride back with friends but my dad couldn't resist coming down too. So now they will go back together on Sunday.
If all goes as planned and I get to Ikea tomorrow, I hope to buy some fabric!! Here's some new, interesting, various fabric from there that I'd like to look at: