Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
We are hanging in there. Thanks for the sweet comments! I appreciate it. We are just having a calm night at home. Me, my husband, Kavi and my mom will be here relaxing. Maybe we will watch a movie and we bought some yummy snacks too. It's been kind of hard the past week because of Kavi being sick and now I have a head cold too. A lot of plans for fun had to be canceled. I am glad my mom is visiting though! She is super nice and fun to be with.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Update: No pneumonia!
Sick little boy
We got to the Dr's office and didn't wait that long in the waiting room. Great! But then, we waited for sooo long in the small examining room. That drives me crazy. I'd rather wait a long time in the waiting room where there is more space to walk around and look out of windows to keep Kavi entertained.
So we finally saw the Dr. and he took a swab swipe of Kavi's throat to test it, it came back fine. But then the Dr mentions that he is worried that Kavi might have pneumonia! Eeks. And that he wants him to get an antibiotic shot, and then when we leave to go to the nearby hospital for a chest X-ray and blood work. The antibiotic shots went into both legs, and the nurse said they would hurt inside until the numbing kicked in. :( So Kavi cried a lot, of course.
Then we went to the hospital where we had no waiting time at each department but Kavi cried and cried during his blood being drawn. Held by me, arm held by my mom, and my husband was with us by then. Just not a fun night! We got back home about 3 1/2 hours after leaving the house.
We go back to the Dr today around 2pm to find out what the x-ray/blood work show. I'm praying and hoping it's not pneumonia, and that this was just precautionary.
I made this a couple weeks ago in honor of my little boy, so what better time to share it! Art finds inspired by my little boy.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Back home

We arrived back home last night from our Christmas trip to Alabama. Unfortunately my son is sick, poor little boy! He has been dealing with it since Christmas Eve. He had a fever. Now the fever is gone but he has a cough. I also feel like I am fighting some sinus issues. My mom came back with us for a visit so that is very nice! Me and Kavi won't have to be alone while dealing with the ickies.
I wanted to share one of my gifts, though I plan to share more of my Etsy purchased gifts that I received! I picked out this locket but my husband bought it for me on etsy from I love it! It's a nice, large size too.
I hope to write more soon. Oh! If you want to see more pictures from our visit, you can visit my mom's blog where she recently uploaded some pictures. Consider the lillies
Friday, December 25, 2009
Cozy Christmas Time
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The days ahead
The days ahead will be filled with a lot of fun and good food! And presents! And thinking of the season and New Year that is soon coming. As may be apparent by now, though I don't talk about it much on here, I'm religious (Christian) so this time of year is nice for reflecting on the story of Jesus' birth and it holds much importance for me.
On Christmas Eve we will all head over to a friend's house up in Alabama for cookies, snacks, and some gift exchanging with them. It's been a tradition for many years now that we share Christmas Eve with this family. It usually took place here in Florida, but it will happen up there instead! If that sounds confusing, it's because my friend Cindy who lives in Alabama, her parents live here still in my town. She used to live here as well but she moved to Alabama years ago when she got married and that is how we "met" the town she lives in (that my parents moved to).
Christmas will be at my parents' house of course. We may go to a local park on Christmas evening if weather permits to look at their amazing Christmas light displays and take a ride on a really cute train that is there. Here's a picture I took of it, not exactly the best one but you get the idea!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Countdown: 3 days!
And it's only ONE day until we head to Alabama! We will drive up tomorrow in the early afternoon. My husband will work first for a few hours and then we will leave. It's the first time I won't be in Florida for a Christmas since 1983, when I was a toddler in New York City, before we moved to FL in the summer of 1984. (I was born in 80)
My Etsy sales have been good for me for the holiday season. I wasn't expecting much action after last week because I just thought everyone would be too busy to shop online. But surprisingly, I received at least one order per day since last Wednesday! I feel blessed with it. I know I put a lot of work into it sometimes so it's nice when it pays off.
I sold this pillow on Sunday and it's being shipped today, a made to order pillow.

I love red and white together for Christmas decor. Here are some fun Etsy items in that color scheme. May your days be merry and bright!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Finally...I snagged a treasury
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Around the World
Friday, December 18, 2009
Green, White and Red
Monday, December 14, 2009
I need to take pictures...
I was part of a fun blogger gift swap put together by Angela at Pickles on Pizza, and I was excited that Tia got randomly matched to me! She is a super cool gal. She sent an adorably awesome little plaque. I will take my own pictures as well, but for now visit her blog where she has posted a tuturial on these cute plaques...and the picture below is the kind I received, except as a wall plaque. And it will be going up on the wall shortly! :) Click picture to get to the tutorial!
Do you remember the tutorial link I posted not long ago for DIY modern paper ornaments? I had said I couldn't finish because I didn't have staples. But my husband found some, so I think I should make a bunch now just for fun!! If you missed it, here's the link and picture from the source.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Today we were out for hours shopping. And it wasn't even for Christmas gifts! I was on a mission to find an item of clothing. And whenever I am on that kind of mission, it seems I never find exactly what I wanted to! But today I found a nice substitute. I wanted a pencil skirt originally because I had two shirt options already, for wearing on Christmas Eve. Difficult task!!!! So that didn't work out. But I found a cute dress and leggings instead. And since I'm a bargain shopper, I got them both for $24 and change.
I feel like a doof in leggings because I am not thin. But my dress goes to almost the knee and the leggings are just for some extra coverage and to be "hip" hahaha. But trying on lots of clothes is not fun after awhile and does not help with self-esteem. And those surround mirrors, eeeks. Target is the worst, you can see every angle as you try on clothes. Now items have to pass the Target mirror test. If they look decent enough in THOSE mirrors, then you are good.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmastime from Flickr

These are the kinds of things that make Christmas feel like Christmas to me!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Vintage Thursday: White

D: Winking owl ceramic candle holder E: White Winter Tree pillow (from me!)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thinking of dresses
I picked these six out for now as favorites. Maybe they will inspire you in case you do have an event to dress up for during the Holidays!

Monday, December 7, 2009
New Background...although you can hardly see it!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Front Page again!
Still so amazing to me!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hot Chocolate Needed

Irene's Cup Of Hot Chocolate
Originally uploaded by ♥babybee
So the weather here in Florida is not as cold as much of the rest of the country, but I have been craving hot chocolate since Thursday night. We need to go grocery shopping to get some of that and a lot of other items.
Up in Alabama where my family lives, they had snow this morning! They emailed me pictures from their cell phone. Wow! It will probably melt soon, or already has, but it was so pretty. A light layer of white.
My mom is doing her first craft show this weekend! It's in downtown Birmingham, AL. It's cold there today so I hope a crowd still shows up. She is selling a lot of crocheted items that keep you warm, which should be a good seller during cold weather! I think she might be inside a building. I will try calling my dad in a little bit, he is with her, to see how it's been so far today. I am excited for her! I hope she sells lots and lots.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
DIY Modern Paper Ornaments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Tree and Stockings
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The crafty area!
We put up our CHRISTMAS TREE last night, yayyy!! Today I also put up some Christmas decor around the living room. At the toddler group today, we made cute snowmen on paper, out of cotton balls and a little picture with snowflakes and a sleigh. I will take pictures once my rechargeable batteries are charged! (both sets are dead and charging!)
Out and About
My back room area that I was decorating is pretty much done. I finished it up before my family had arrived last week! I wish I could get good, natural light pictures of it but so far I haven't. Only flash pictures. So we will see!