Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back home!

We got home late Thursday night/Fri morning! I was sad to leave Portland. Kavi was happy we were coming home because he missed all of his toys. When we said we were going back to the airport to go home, he said "Hurray!". hah. But we stayed really busy while away! He had to have had a blast. The journey home felt a little tiring and we didn't get home until about 12:40am.

I caught a crummy cold that I started feeling a little bit on the day we flew home. Now it's a full blown cold, so my energy level isn't the best. I have so many pictures I still want to share from all of our outings. It was just wonderful!!

I will post more tomorrow. Here's a phone picture taken while at the airport waiting for our flight. Yummy coffee from the Portland based "Coffee People", inside the airport. And my little bag of purchases from the Made in Oregon store. What a perfect combo!?
Oh coffee lovers, it really is a coffee paradise out there. Everywhere we went I saw these words "Espresso" or "Coffee sold here".

More soon!

1 comment:

beka said...

happy sigh:)
you're totally speaking my language.
love the pic, and definitely going to travel out to OR someday!!