Friday, March 16, 2012

Book Updates

I wrote last week about the books I had recently read and the new books I had brought home from the library.

Here's an update since then:

The Borrowers was definitely a cute read. I finished it on Wednesday night. Hopefully in a few years, Kavi can enjoy reading it! It is different than the movie version from when I was younger. There are more books in the series that I hope to read in the future.

I am about halfway done with The Farthest Away Mountain. I still enjoy it after all these years. Classic fairy tale vibe. Not too long either.

The Star of Kazan was very good. Lots of details, and a longer book.
  "Annika is happy living in the servants' quarters of a house owned by three eccentric professors. She adores Ellie and Sigrid, the cook and housemaid who found her as a baby, abandoned on a church doorstep. In the eleven years since, they have taught her how to bake and clean to perfection. Then one day a glamorous stranger arrives, claiming to be Annika's mother. Annika is no servant, she learns, but an aristocrat whose true home is an ancient castle. But at crumbling Spittal, Annika discovers that all is not as it seems in the lives of her newfound family. . ."- From The Star of Kazan Amazon page.

If you or a child in the right age range needs book suggestions, I would definitely suggest all of the books I have mentioned recently. I need new books to read now. I have a list of books I want to read and was hoping to just use the library as the source. Some are not available or on a long list of holds(I don't have an e-reader and don't want to buy all the books I want to read).
My "to-read" shelf at goodreads:

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