Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tired Sunday

We are the "sleep in" types, especially on the weekends. Although my husband is much better at waking up early than I am, he also likes his sleep in weekend time. Well Kavi(our son) has been messed up by the time change. He wakes up earlier yet goes to sleep later. Aye aye aye!! So last night he fell asleep much much later than he should have but was up since 7:30am this morning. That might sound normal to most people, but we like a 9 am awakening around here haha. So I am pretty tired, and Kavi must be as well although he will fight it! I see a nap in his future...

Well I have coffee brewing and will make some breakfast now - probably french toast since it is Sunday! :)


Angela said...

I am a night owl and late sleeper. I don't have to be at work until 11 so I get to sleep in.

When I DO make myself get up early, I always enjoy my day more and I am much more productive...I just can't seem to remember that when I am up till 3 am reading...

I hope you both have a nice afternoon nap.

Christina said...

That's true, Angela. Today I feel pretty accomplished after being up since 7:30am. But I also have the problem of going to bed late, well usually midnight or a little later. I like my alone, quiet time at night. :)