Monday, August 31, 2009

Featured Shop: velvetwoods

I often find myself browsing on Etsy at shop after shop, like I am sure many do when they have the extra time. I love all the connections you end up with. One shop ends up leading you to another and another.

I came upon velvetwoods not long ago and fell in love with many of the photos for sale. The coloring is great! I hope you enjoy this feature and the lovely photography of velvetwoods of Australia! (all photos copyrighted by velvetwoods, used with permission)

I contacted the seller and asked if she would like to write something about her work, so enjoy her own words!
"Nature and everything in this world sparks my mind with a kaleidoscope of colors to create art. A culmination of interacting with this world and my mind’s dream world allows me to escape to my own dreamland that is full of lush vegetation with magical dream like qualities. They help me invoke the mystical and the shaman in me.

I literally trance out when I’m working on my photographic art work, I find it such a liberating experience to be able to leave the mundane worries and experience the flow of creating something. When I create my work, I go to places that speak to me about peace and beauty. I see beauty in all things that’s full of endless possibilities.

My work represents the magic in nature and the childhood memories of nature being a place of make believe. They say flow is important to one’s life, I feel my flow strongly when I’m creating art."

So please pay a visit to this shop to show your support for a fellow Etsy seller!
There are prints just waiting to be purchases!


My Life In Sketch Comedy said...

I love it!!!

JulieRudd said...

Ooo Love the last photo!

Anonymous said...

Velvetwoods is an amazing artist! She was the first gifted photographer I discovered on Etsy and I immediately contacted her to tell her so :) I love her work and enjoy watching her stylistic twists and turns. Awesome feature!